U.F.O also known as Unidentified Flying Object. These bibliography talks about weird apparitions from how they came and preview goose bumping occurrences captured photographically documented and view-cam recorded, how everybody interact with such well documented and man-to-man story 3.0. How these stories bump-to-bump, wall-to-wall, from the very part of the history and from this new millennium, up to now. Some of the caughted people, distracted from what they saw at seems; some of them showing caricatured sketch showing as:
1.Sun- like shaping
2.Star- like shaping
3.Ball of fire- like shaping
4.Disc Plate- like shaping
1.Sun- like shaping
2.Star- like shaping
3.Ball of fire- like shaping
4.Disc Plate- like shaping
-Roaming around the sky line! Some of them are two-meter sticks away from the ground; Communicating in a glooming dimensional sensation. Replicating; view to view for some kind of telecommunication vibes. Somehow from this time, halflife-abducted from this line of confusion and curiousity. Some how this time as I enter myself from the portal twilight conquest. Revealing some documentary label from how what some people distracted and suffered from direct abduction role playing for another some kind of living. Point your finger steadily on your screen monitor; as I revealed itself and bind proofings for not static.
1. Old-covenant/Sacred writings(Strata, scenario, Documentation)
From some what our early civilization. How affected from some kind of extraterrestrial meaning. All of some of the great Prophets from the Jewish biblical- scripture writings; Yahweh or God find it’s way to communicate to them by insight of ground zero apparition; or off the dirt communication talk show, and kneel down their feet for a great respect.
1. Old-covenant/Sacred writings(Strata, scenario, Documentation)
From some what our early civilization. How affected from some kind of extraterrestrial meaning. All of some of the great Prophets from the Jewish biblical- scripture writings; Yahweh or God find it’s way to communicate to them by insight of ground zero apparition; or off the dirt communication talk show, and kneel down their feet for a great respect.
A scenario as follows:
- The Story of Creation(U.F.O Sighting), Jewish Bible Sequel No.1:
Genesis 1: 1.5:
In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water. The God commanded, “Let there be light”-and light appeared. God was pleased with what he saw. Then he separated the light from the darkness, and he named the light “day” and the darkness “Night”.
Trinity (theology), in Christian theology, doctrine that God exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who are united in one substance or being. The doctrine is not taught explicitly in the New Testament, where the word God almost invariably refers to the Father; but already Jesus Christ, the Son, is seen as standing in a unique relation to the Father, while the Holy Spirit is also emerging as a distinct divine person.
In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water. The God commanded, “Let there be light”-and light appeared. God was pleased with what he saw. Then he separated the light from the darkness, and he named the light “day” and the darkness “Night”.
- Holy Trinity(Christian Theology), Classification physique, Jewish Bible Sequel No.2:
Trinity (theology), in Christian theology, doctrine that God exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who are united in one substance or being. The doctrine is not taught explicitly in the New Testament, where the word God almost invariably refers to the Father; but already Jesus Christ, the Son, is seen as standing in a unique relation to the Father, while the Holy Spirit is also emerging as a distinct divine person.
- Noah and the Flood, God’s Covenant(U.F.O Sighting), Jewish Bible Sequel No.3:
Genesis 6: 9.22:
This is the story of Noah, he had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God, but everyone else was evil in God’s sight, and violence had spread everywhere. God looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil lives. God said to Noah, “I have decided to pun an end to all people. I will destroy them completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. Build a boat for yourself out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out. Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Make a roof for the boat and leave a space of 18 inches between the roof and the side. I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being. Everything on the earth will die, but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. Take along all kinds of food for you and for them. Noah did everything that God commanded.
Genesis 17: 1.5:
This is the story of Noah, he had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God, but everyone else was evil in God’s sight, and violence had spread everywhere. God looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil lives. God said to Noah, “I have decided to pun an end to all people. I will destroy them completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. Build a boat for yourself out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out. Make it 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. Make a roof for the boat and leave a space of 18 inches between the roof and the side. I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being. Everything on the earth will die, but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. Take along all kinds of food for you and for them. Noah did everything that God commanded.
- Circumcision, The Sign of the Covenant(U.F.O Sighting), Jewish Bible Sequel No.4:
Genesis 17: 1.5:
When Abram was ninety-nine tears old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the Almighty God. Obey me and always do what is right. I will make my covenant with you and give you many descendants”. Abram bowed down with his face touching the ground, and God said, I make this covenant with you: I promise that you will be the ancestor of many nations. Your name will no longer Abram, but Abraham, because I am making you the ancestor of many nations.
Genesis 35: 1:
God said to Jacob, “Go to Bethel at once, and live there. Build an altar there to me, the God who appeared to you when you were running away from your brother Esau.”
2. New Covenant/ Sacred Writings(Strata, Scenario, Documentation)
As the whole thing pass to a new reinvention; These Ball-of-Fire(U.F.O), kept in reaching to the end. As Great Prophets revealed its every leadership platform, and it’s reaching far more ecclesiastical exit reinvention of a Man(Star of Bethlehem), Again!- The New Testament.-
Bibliography II:
Jesus Christ/ Yeshua that convince himself as the “Messiah”; The last man prophet (Lamb of God) of the New Covenant; “Holy” Bible. He tells everyone to change their living hood. While, all people who heard him know nothing at all.. Until they’ve totally abolished his whole existence. Betrayed(Well documented Judas Iscariot), Sentenced to death, Tortured, Mocked, and Nailed in to a Cross(Jewish and Roman, Patron of Government); That made him run to sleep in beauty of reality. DEATH!
; But the quest title of the Unidentified Flying Object(U.F.O), aren’t yet resolved. The subject of roaming existence, lasts until the very ends continuum afterword paper thin page..
A Scenario as Follows:
Acts 9: 3.4:
As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?”
Revelation 14: 1.2:
- God Blesses Jacob at Bethel(U.F.O Sighting), Jewish Bible Sequel No.5:
Genesis 35: 1:
God said to Jacob, “Go to Bethel at once, and live there. Build an altar there to me, the God who appeared to you when you were running away from your brother Esau.”
- God Calls Moses(U.F.O Sighting), Jewish Bible Sequel No.6:
Genesis 3: 1.5:
One day while Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Median, he led the flock across the dessert and came to Sinai, the holy mountain. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that it was not burning up. "This is strange," he thought. "Why isn't the bush burning up? I will go closer and see." When the Lord saw that Moses was coming closer, he called to him from the middle of the bush and said, "Moses! Moses!" He answered , "Yes, here i am." God said, "Do not come any closer. Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground.
2. New Covenant/ Sacred Writings(Strata, Scenario, Documentation)
As the whole thing pass to a new reinvention; These Ball-of-Fire(U.F.O), kept in reaching to the end. As Great Prophets revealed its every leadership platform, and it’s reaching far more ecclesiastical exit reinvention of a Man(Star of Bethlehem), Again!- The New Testament.-
Bibliography II:
Jesus Christ/ Yeshua that convince himself as the “Messiah”; The last man prophet (Lamb of God) of the New Covenant; “Holy” Bible. He tells everyone to change their living hood. While, all people who heard him know nothing at all.. Until they’ve totally abolished his whole existence. Betrayed(Well documented Judas Iscariot), Sentenced to death, Tortured, Mocked, and Nailed in to a Cross(Jewish and Roman, Patron of Government); That made him run to sleep in beauty of reality. DEATH!
; But the quest title of the Unidentified Flying Object(U.F.O), aren’t yet resolved. The subject of roaming existence, lasts until the very ends continuum afterword paper thin page..
A Scenario as Follows:
- The Conversion of Saul(U.F.O Sighting), Christian Bible Sequel No.1:
Acts 9: 3.4:
As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?”
- The Lamb and His people(U.F.O Sighting), Christian Bible Sequel No. 2:
Revelation 14: 1.2:
Then I looked, and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion; with him were 144, 000 people who have his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven that sounded like a roaring waterfall, like a loud peal of thunder. It sounded like the music made by musicians playing their harps.
3. Modern Days- Artistry, Renaissance, Voyage, Ancient, Celestial Spheres, Scenario Documentation:
- Crivelli Carlo, Annunciation(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.1:
- Illustration of a Nuremburg(U.F.O Sighting), April 14, 1561/ Sequel No.2:
News notice printed in Nuremberg, describing the 4th April 1561 Nuremberg mass sighting. Discs and spheres were said to emerge from large cylinders. From Wickiana collection in Zurich.
- Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and 1492 Light Sighting(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.4:
When Christopher Columbus was sailing to the Americas he entered the triangle. His compass went crazy. He sailed out safely unlike some ships. Some say that since he had three ships instead of one big one that had something to do with him being all right.
The ship Ellen Austin found a ship nearby when sailing in 1881. They went on board the ship, but found no signs of life. The captain of the Ellen Austin put a man named Morgan on the ship to be the captain, and the two ships set of to Newfoundland side by side. There was a misty fog in the air, and suddenly the crew on the Ellen Austin said they had lost sight of the ship. The captain said they would find them in Newfoundland and headed off. When they got to Newfoundland there was no sign of the ship. The Ellen Austin set sail to look for the ship, but when the crew found it there was no one on board.(To Be Continued...)
The 1492 light sighting was a sighting of unknown light during the first voyage of Christopher Columbus on October 11, 1492 by some crew members of Santa Maria, Pinta and possibly Niña shortly before the landing on Guanahani. The light was reported in Columbus' journal, Ferdinand Columbus' Vita del Ammiraglio (The Life of Admiral), the proceedings of the Pleitos Colombinos (the long lawsuit involving the heirs of Columbus) and some other sources.
Columbus described the light as "a small wax candle that rose and lifted up, which to few seemed to be an indication of land". He received the royal reward for the sighting. His son Ferdinand also characterized it as a candle, that went up and down.
-Wikipedia Page Source

-Wikipedia Page Source
- Orb (Optics) and Orb (Astrology), (U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.5:
The term orb describes unexpected, typically circular artifacts that occur in flash photography — sometimes with trails indicating motion — especially common with modern compact and ultra-compact digital cameras.
Orbs are also sometimes called backscatter, orb backscatter, or near-camera reflection.
In astrology, the orb is how much an angle made by two points differs from the exactness of an aspect. A trine, for instance, is 120 degrees. If two points were 123 degrees apart, they would be said to be in a trine with an orb of 3 degrees. It is generally held in astrological delineation that the larger the orb, the less powerful the aspect's effect is.
For example, if the sun is located in the sign Aquarius at 15 degrees and the moon is also going through Aquarius, then the moon's orb of influence will begin no earlier than 5 degrees Aquarius and will last no longer than 25 degrees Aquarius. However, this would be considered a wide orb. Most astrologers consider the orb of influence to be no more than 8 degrees on either side.
Larger orbs tend to be used for aspects involving major bodies, such as the sun or moon. Larger orbs also tend to be used for major aspects, such as conjunctions and oppositions.
Smaller orbs are sometimes used when an aspect is "out of sign". An "out of sign" aspect involves one that's a multiple of 30 degrees, meaning the two points should have the same positioning within their signs, however the orb causes the points to be in different signs than expected. For example, if the sun is located at 29 degrees Aries, and the moon is located at 1 degree Leo, the difference is 92 degrees, which makes a square aspect. However Aries and Leo are four signs or 120 degrees apart, so one might expect a trine aspect instead when just considering the signs involved.
-Wikipedia Page Source
4. Modern Days- Culture War, Scenario Documentation:
Topic Bibliography:
An unidentified flying object (usually abbreviated to UFO or U.F.O.) is any unusual apparent object in the sky whose cause cannot be identified by the observer, or (in a narrower definition) by investigators; though in popular usage it more loosely means alien spacecraft, being one explanation (among several) offered for such sightings. Though UFO sightings have occurred throughout history, modern interest in them dates from World War II, since when governments have investigated UFO reports, often from a military perspective, and UFO researchers have investigated, written about and created organizations devoted to the subject. One such investigation, The UK's Project Condign report, notes that Russian, Former Soviet Republics, and Chinese authorities have made a co-ordinated effort to understand the UFO topic and that State military organizations, particularly in Russia, have done "considerably more work (than is evident from open sources)" on military applications which have stemmed from their UFO research.
Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object—most commonly aircraft, balloons,noctilucent clouds, nacreous clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets – that have been misidentified by the observer as anomalies, while a small percentage of reported UFOs are hoaxes. However, after excluding these incorrect reports, between 5% and 20% of the total remain unexplained, and so can be classified as unidentified in the strictest sense. Many such reports have been made by trained observers such as pilots, police and the military; some involve radar traces, so not all reports are visual. Proponents of anextraterrestrial hypothesis believe that these unidentified reports are of alien spacecraft, though various other hypotheses have been proposed.
While UFOs have been the subject of extensive investigation by various governments, and some scientists support the extraterrestrial hypothesis, few scientific papers about UFOs have been published in peer-reviewed journals. There has been some debate in the scientific community about whether any scientific investigation into UFO sightings is warranted.
UFOs have become a prominent theme in modern culture, and this cultural phenomenon has been the subject of academic research.
-Wikipedia Page Source
Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object—most commonly aircraft, balloons,noctilucent clouds, nacreous clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets – that have been misidentified by the observer as anomalies, while a small percentage of reported UFOs are hoaxes. However, after excluding these incorrect reports, between 5% and 20% of the total remain unexplained, and so can be classified as unidentified in the strictest sense. Many such reports have been made by trained observers such as pilots, police and the military; some involve radar traces, so not all reports are visual. Proponents of anextraterrestrial hypothesis believe that these unidentified reports are of alien spacecraft, though various other hypotheses have been proposed.
While UFOs have been the subject of extensive investigation by various governments, and some scientists support the extraterrestrial hypothesis, few scientific papers about UFOs have been published in peer-reviewed journals. There has been some debate in the scientific community about whether any scientific investigation into UFO sightings is warranted.
UFOs have become a prominent theme in modern culture, and this cultural phenomenon has been the subject of academic research.
-Wikipedia Page Source
- Roswell UFO incident(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.1:
The Roswell UFO Incident was the recovery of an object that crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947, allegedly an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants. Since the late 1970s the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object that crashed. The United States military maintains that what was recovered was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul"; however, many UFO proponents maintain that an alien craft and its occupants were captured, and that the military then engaged in a cover up. The incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon, making the name Roswell synonymous with UFOs. It ranks as the most publicized and controversial of alleged UFO incidents.
On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut in Roswell, New Mexico, issued apress release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed "flying disk" from a ranch near Roswell, sparking intense media interest. The following day, the press reported that Commanding General of the Eighth Air Forcestated that, in fact, a radar-tracking balloon had been recovered by the RAAF personnel, not a "flying disc." A subsequentpress conference was called, featuring debris said to be from the crashed object, which seemed to confirm the weather balloon description.
The incident was quickly forgotten and almost completely ignored, even by UFO researchers, for more than 30 years. Then, in 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel who was involved with the original recovery of the debris in 1947. Marcel expressed his belief that the military had covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft. His story spread through UFO circles, being featured in some UFO documentaries at the time. In February 1980, The National Enquirer ran its own interview with Marcel, garnering national and worldwide attention for the Roswell incident.
Additional witnesses added significant new details, including claims of a huge military operation dedicated to recovering alien craft and aliens themselves, at as many as 11 crash sites,and alleged witness intimidation. In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis put forth a detailed personal account, wherein he claimed that alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base.
In response to these reports, and after congressional inquiries, the General Accounting Office launched an inquiry and directed the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to conduct an internal investigation. The result was summarized in two reports. The first, released in 1995, concluded that the reported recovered material in 1947 was likely debris from a secret government program called Project Mogul, which involved high altitude balloons meant to detect sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests and ballistic missiles. The second report, released in 1997, concluded that reports of recovered alien bodies were likely a combination of innocently transformed memories of military accidents involving injured or killed personnel, innocently transformed memories of the recovery of anthropomorphic dummies in military programs like Project High Dive conducted in the 1950s, and hoaxes perpetrated by various witnesses and UFO proponents. The psychological effects of time compression and confusion about when events occurred explained the discrepancy with the years in question. These reports were dismissed by UFO proponents as being either disinformation or simply implausible. However, numerous high-profile UFO researchers discount the probability that the incident had anything to do with aliens.
-Wikipedia Page Source
On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information officer Walter Haut in Roswell, New Mexico, issued apress release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed "flying disk" from a ranch near Roswell, sparking intense media interest. The following day, the press reported that Commanding General of the Eighth Air Forcestated that, in fact, a radar-tracking balloon had been recovered by the RAAF personnel, not a "flying disc." A subsequentpress conference was called, featuring debris said to be from the crashed object, which seemed to confirm the weather balloon description.
The incident was quickly forgotten and almost completely ignored, even by UFO researchers, for more than 30 years. Then, in 1978, physicist and ufologist Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Major Jesse Marcel who was involved with the original recovery of the debris in 1947. Marcel expressed his belief that the military had covered up the recovery of an alien spacecraft. His story spread through UFO circles, being featured in some UFO documentaries at the time. In February 1980, The National Enquirer ran its own interview with Marcel, garnering national and worldwide attention for the Roswell incident.
Additional witnesses added significant new details, including claims of a huge military operation dedicated to recovering alien craft and aliens themselves, at as many as 11 crash sites,and alleged witness intimidation. In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis put forth a detailed personal account, wherein he claimed that alien autopsies were carried out at the Roswell base.
In response to these reports, and after congressional inquiries, the General Accounting Office launched an inquiry and directed the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to conduct an internal investigation. The result was summarized in two reports. The first, released in 1995, concluded that the reported recovered material in 1947 was likely debris from a secret government program called Project Mogul, which involved high altitude balloons meant to detect sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests and ballistic missiles. The second report, released in 1997, concluded that reports of recovered alien bodies were likely a combination of innocently transformed memories of military accidents involving injured or killed personnel, innocently transformed memories of the recovery of anthropomorphic dummies in military programs like Project High Dive conducted in the 1950s, and hoaxes perpetrated by various witnesses and UFO proponents. The psychological effects of time compression and confusion about when events occurred explained the discrepancy with the years in question. These reports were dismissed by UFO proponents as being either disinformation or simply implausible. However, numerous high-profile UFO researchers discount the probability that the incident had anything to do with aliens.
-Wikipedia Page Source
- After 1947 (U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.2:
Following the large U.S. surge in sightings in June and early July 1947, on July 9, 1947, Army Air Force (AAF) intelligence, in cooperation with the FBI, began a formal investigation into selected best sightings with characteristics that could not be immediately rationalized, which included Kenneth Arnold’s and that of the United Airlines crew. The AAF used "all of its top scientists" to determine whether or not "such a phenomenon could, in fact, occur". The research was "being conducted with the thought that the flying objects might be a celestial phenomenon," or that "they might be a foreign body mechanically devised and controlled." Three weeks later in a preliminary defense estimate, the air force investigation decided that, "This ‘flying saucer’ situation is not all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomenon. Something is really flying around."
A further review by the intelligence and technical divisions of the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field reached the same conclusion, that "the phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious," that there were objects in the shape of a disc, metallic in appearance, and as big as man-made aircraft. They were characterized by "extreme rates of climb [and] maneuverability," general lack of noise, absence of trail, occasional formation flying, and "evasive" behavior "when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar," suggesting a controlled craft. It was thus recommended in late September 1947 that an official Air Force investigation be set up to investigate the phenomenon. It was also recommended that other government agencies should assist in the investigation.
-Wikipedia Page Source
This led to the creation of the Air Force’s Project Sign
at the end of 1947, one of the earliest government studies to come to a secret extraterrestrial conclusion. In August 1948, Sign investigators wrote a top-secret intelligence estimate to that effect. The Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt Vandenberg ordered it destroyed. The existence of this suppressed report was revealed by several insiders who had read it, such as astronomer and USAF consultant J. Allen Hynek and Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, the first head of the USAF's Project Blue Book.
Another highly classified U.S. study was conducted by the CIA's Office of Scientific Investigation (OS/I) in the latter half of 1952 after being directed to do so by the National Security Council (NSC). They concluded UFOs were real physical objects of potential threat to national security. One OS/I memo to the CIA Director (DCI) in December read, "...the reports of incidents convince us that there is something going on that must have immediate attention... Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such a nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or any known types of aerial vehicles." The matter was considered so urgent, that OS/I drafted a memorandum from the DCI to the NSC proposing that the NSC establish an investigation of UFOs as a priority project throughout the intelligence and the defense research and development community. They also urged the DCI to establish an external research project of top-level scientists to study the problem of UFOs, now known as theRobertson Panel, to further analyze the matter. The OS/I investigation was called off after the Robertson Panel's negative conclusions in January 1953.
Project 1947 is a worldwide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the Freedom of Information Act, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts.
PROJECT 1947, an ongoing intensive research effort into the UFO wave of 1947, will accomplish several important tasks:
Screen over 5,000 newspapers from all over the world for UFO reports.
Search for UFO reports in libraries, historical societies, universities, archives and other institutions in the US and Canada.
Compile the reports and data into the most comprehensive study of the 1947 UFO Wave yet done.
PROJECT 1947, with its primary focus on the 1947 wave, will also look forward as far as 1965 and back to 1900 for certain selected significant topics in UFO research. The 1900-1946 period will be examined for UFO-like reports.
A further review by the intelligence and technical divisions of the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field reached the same conclusion, that "the phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious," that there were objects in the shape of a disc, metallic in appearance, and as big as man-made aircraft. They were characterized by "extreme rates of climb [and] maneuverability," general lack of noise, absence of trail, occasional formation flying, and "evasive" behavior "when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar," suggesting a controlled craft. It was thus recommended in late September 1947 that an official Air Force investigation be set up to investigate the phenomenon. It was also recommended that other government agencies should assist in the investigation.
-Wikipedia Page Source
This led to the creation of the Air Force’s Project Sign
at the end of 1947, one of the earliest government studies to come to a secret extraterrestrial conclusion. In August 1948, Sign investigators wrote a top-secret intelligence estimate to that effect. The Air Force Chief of Staff Hoyt Vandenberg ordered it destroyed. The existence of this suppressed report was revealed by several insiders who had read it, such as astronomer and USAF consultant J. Allen Hynek and Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, the first head of the USAF's Project Blue Book.
Another highly classified U.S. study was conducted by the CIA's Office of Scientific Investigation (OS/I) in the latter half of 1952 after being directed to do so by the National Security Council (NSC). They concluded UFOs were real physical objects of potential threat to national security. One OS/I memo to the CIA Director (DCI) in December read, "...the reports of incidents convince us that there is something going on that must have immediate attention... Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such a nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or any known types of aerial vehicles." The matter was considered so urgent, that OS/I drafted a memorandum from the DCI to the NSC proposing that the NSC establish an investigation of UFOs as a priority project throughout the intelligence and the defense research and development community. They also urged the DCI to establish an external research project of top-level scientists to study the problem of UFOs, now known as theRobertson Panel, to further analyze the matter. The OS/I investigation was called off after the Robertson Panel's negative conclusions in January 1953.
Project 1947 is a worldwide effort to document the origins of the modern UFO phenomenon. Research for the project has yielded many early-era UFO reports via the Freedom of Information Act, newspaper articles and contemporary accounts.
PROJECT 1947, an ongoing intensive research effort into the UFO wave of 1947, will accomplish several important tasks:
Screen over 5,000 newspapers from all over the world for UFO reports.
Search for UFO reports in libraries, historical societies, universities, archives and other institutions in the US and Canada.
Compile the reports and data into the most comprehensive study of the 1947 UFO Wave yet done.
PROJECT 1947, with its primary focus on the 1947 wave, will also look forward as far as 1965 and back to 1900 for certain selected significant topics in UFO research. The 1900-1946 period will be examined for UFO-like reports.
This list of UFO religions, also referred to as UFO cults and flying saucer cults, lists groups identified as such by scholars and academics. UFO religions are commonly groups which deal with communication between humans and extra-terrestrial beings. Forms of communication include telepathy and astral projection. Groups often believe that humanity can be saved after being educated by the aliens as to how to improve society. Alien abduction belief can lead to formation of a UFO religion. I AM Religious Activity, founded in 1930 by Guy Ballard, is seen, according to one author, as the first UFO Religion, though Aetherius Society founded by George King has also been given this distinction. Scholars identify the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident as a key event within the history of UFO spirituality. Melodie Campbell and Stephen A. Kent describe Heaven's Gate and Order of the Solar Temple as among the most controversial of the UFO belief groups. Scientology is seen by scholars as a UFO religion, due to its Xenu cosmogony and the presence of Space opera in Scientology doctrine.
A scientifically skeptical group that has for many years offered critical analysis of UFO claims is the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI).
Responding to local beliefs that "extraterrestrial beings" in UFOs were responsible for crop circles appearing in Indonesia, the government and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) described them as "man-made". Thomas Djamaluddin, research professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Lapan stated: "We have come to agree that this 'thing' cannot be scientifically proven. A professor at the Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Agency put UFOs in the category of pseudoscience."
A UFO conspiracy theory is any one of many often overlapping conspiracy theories which argue that evidence of the reality of unidentified flying objects is being suppressed by various governments around the world. Such theories are often intentionally hoaxed, and are backed by little or no evidence, and absolutely no reliable evidence despite significant research on the subject by non-governmental scientific agencies,and therefore, are considered pseudoscience.
They commonly argue that Earth governments, especially the Government of the United States, are in communication or cooperation with extraterrestrials despite public claims to the contrary. The theory's tendency to target the United States government over others can be attributed to many possible explanations. Among them two of the most often put forward are; A.) Because it is an American cultural phenomenon. , or B) Because in the event that there were a conspiracy of infiltration by a non-terrestrial power, friendly or hostile, the United States as the dominant military , political, and economic power would present the primary obstacle to such a design were it to oppose that design, as such it would in all likelihood constitute the primary target of any plan of co-option. Particularly one dating back to 1947 when the U.S. possessed 50% of global economic output, was the only nation with nuclear weapons, and was without substantive opposition in the political sphere, as the cold war was still in its opening stages, not yet in full swing, and the former imperial powers of Europe and Asia were devastated by both WWII & their disintegrating colonial empires, with economic output near zero.
Some of these theories claim that the government is explicitly allowing alien abduction.
-Wikipedia Page Source
A scientifically skeptical group that has for many years offered critical analysis of UFO claims is the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI).
Responding to local beliefs that "extraterrestrial beings" in UFOs were responsible for crop circles appearing in Indonesia, the government and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) described them as "man-made". Thomas Djamaluddin, research professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Lapan stated: "We have come to agree that this 'thing' cannot be scientifically proven. A professor at the Indonesian National Aeronautics and Space Agency put UFOs in the category of pseudoscience."
A UFO conspiracy theory is any one of many often overlapping conspiracy theories which argue that evidence of the reality of unidentified flying objects is being suppressed by various governments around the world. Such theories are often intentionally hoaxed, and are backed by little or no evidence, and absolutely no reliable evidence despite significant research on the subject by non-governmental scientific agencies,and therefore, are considered pseudoscience.
They commonly argue that Earth governments, especially the Government of the United States, are in communication or cooperation with extraterrestrials despite public claims to the contrary. The theory's tendency to target the United States government over others can be attributed to many possible explanations. Among them two of the most often put forward are; A.) Because it is an American cultural phenomenon. , or B) Because in the event that there were a conspiracy of infiltration by a non-terrestrial power, friendly or hostile, the United States as the dominant military , political, and economic power would present the primary obstacle to such a design were it to oppose that design, as such it would in all likelihood constitute the primary target of any plan of co-option. Particularly one dating back to 1947 when the U.S. possessed 50% of global economic output, was the only nation with nuclear weapons, and was without substantive opposition in the political sphere, as the cold war was still in its opening stages, not yet in full swing, and the former imperial powers of Europe and Asia were devastated by both WWII & their disintegrating colonial empires, with economic output near zero.
Some of these theories claim that the government is explicitly allowing alien abduction.
-Wikipedia Page Source
- Our Lady of Fatima/Modern Apparition(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.3:
Our Lady of Fátima (Portuguese: Nossa Senhora de Fátima) (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈfatimɐ]) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Marywith respect to reported apparitions of her to three shepherd children at Fátima in Portugal on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on May 13. The three children were Lúcia Santos and her cousins, siblings Jacinta and Francisco Marto. The title of Our Lady of the Rosary is also sometimes used in reference to the same apparition (although it was first used in 1208 for the reported apparition in the church of Prouille), because the children related that the apparition specifically identified herself as the "Lady of the Rosary". It is also common to see a combination of these titles, i.e. Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima (Portuguese: Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima). The events at Fatima gained particular fame due to their elements of prophecy and eschatology, particularly with regard to possible world war and the conversion of Russia. The reported apparitions at Fatima were officially declared "worthy of belief" by the Catholic Church.
-Wikipedia Page Source
-Wikipedia Page Source
5. Modern Days- Mass Media, Scenario Documentation:
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No. 1:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (sometimes abbreviated to CE3K and often referred to as just Close Encounters) is a 1977 science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. The film stars Richard Dreyfuss, François Truffaut, Melinda Dillon, Teri Garr, Bob Balaban, and Cary Guffey. It tells the story of Roy Neary, a lineman in Indiana, whose life changes after he has an encounter with anunidentified flying object (UFO). The United States government and an international team of scientific researchers are also aware of the UFOs.
Close Encounters was a long-cherished project for Spielberg. In late 1973, he developed a deal with Columbia Pictures for a science fiction film. Though Spielberg receives sole credit for the script, he was assisted by Paul Schrader, John Hill, David Giler, Hal Barwood, Matthew Robbins, and Jerry Belson, all of whom contributed to the screenplay in varying degrees. The title is derived from ufologist J. Allen Hynek's classification of close encounters with aliens, in which the third kind denotes human observations of actual aliens or "animate beings".
Filming began in May 1976. Douglas Trumbull served as the visual effects supervisor, while Carlo Rambaldi designed the aliens. Close Encounters was released in November 1977 and was a critical and financial success. The film was reissued in 1980 as Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Special Edition, which featured additional scenes. A third cut of the film was released to home video (and later DVD) in 1998. The film received numerous awards and nominations at the 50th Academy Awards, 32nd British Academy Film Awards, the 35th Golden Globe Awards, the Saturn Awards and has been widely acclaimed by the American Film Institute. In December 2007, it was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in theNational Film Registry.
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Ozone Depletion Mission(NASA Science) Washington, D.C. United States government
-Wikipedia Page Source
Close Encounters was a long-cherished project for Spielberg. In late 1973, he developed a deal with Columbia Pictures for a science fiction film. Though Spielberg receives sole credit for the script, he was assisted by Paul Schrader, John Hill, David Giler, Hal Barwood, Matthew Robbins, and Jerry Belson, all of whom contributed to the screenplay in varying degrees. The title is derived from ufologist J. Allen Hynek's classification of close encounters with aliens, in which the third kind denotes human observations of actual aliens or "animate beings".
Filming began in May 1976. Douglas Trumbull served as the visual effects supervisor, while Carlo Rambaldi designed the aliens. Close Encounters was released in November 1977 and was a critical and financial success. The film was reissued in 1980 as Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Special Edition, which featured additional scenes. A third cut of the film was released to home video (and later DVD) in 1998. The film received numerous awards and nominations at the 50th Academy Awards, 32nd British Academy Film Awards, the 35th Golden Globe Awards, the Saturn Awards and has been widely acclaimed by the American Film Institute. In December 2007, it was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in theNational Film Registry.
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Ozone Depletion Mission(NASA Science) Washington, D.C. United States government
-Wikipedia Page Source
- The X-Files(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.2:
The X-Files is an American science fiction television series and a part of The X-Files franchise, created by screenwriter Chris Carter. The program originally aired from September 10, 1993 to May 19, 2002. The show was a hit for the Fox network, and its characters and slogans (such as "The Truth Is Out There", "Trust No One", "I Want to Believe") became popular culture touchstones in the 1990s. Seen as a defining series of its era, The X-Files tapped into public mistrust of governments and large institutions, and embraced conspiracy theories andspirituality as it centered on efforts to uncover the existence of extraterrestrial life. The series spawned a spin-off show, The Lone Gunmen.
In the series, FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are the investigators of X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder is a believer in the existence of aliens and the paranormal, while Scully, a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries. Early in the series both agents become pawns in a larger conflict, and come to trust only each other. They develop a close relationship, which begins as a platonic friendship, but develops into a romantic relationship by the end of the series' run.
In addition to the series-spanning story arc, "monster of the week" episodes made up roughly two-thirds of the series. In such stand-alone episodes, Mulder and Scully investigated strange crimes which often had no long-term effect on the storyline, though the episodes contributed to the show's background.
In 1998 the feature film The X-Files was released. This was followed in 2008 by a post-series film, The X-Files: I Want to Believe. In the last two seasons, Gillian Anderson became the star as David Duchovny appeared intermittently, and new central characters were introduced: FBI agents John Doggett (Robert Patrick) and Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish). Mulder and Scully's boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner(Mitch Pileggi), also became a central character. By the time the series ended, The X-Files had become the longest-running science fiction series in US broadcast television history, though it was later surpassed by Stargate SG-1 and then by Smallville.
(Public Issue Responsive To: UFO Alien Inteligence Survey Research(UFOLOGY), Worldly Phenomenon Extra Terrestrial Subject*
-Wikipedia Page Source
In the series, FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are the investigators of X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal
In addition to the series-spanning story arc, "monster of the week" episodes made up roughly two-thirds of the series. In such stand-alone episodes, Mulder and Scully investigated strange crimes which often had no long-term effect on the storyline, though the episodes contributed to the show's background.
In 1998 the feature film The X-Files was released. This was followed in 2008 by a post-series film, The X-Files: I Want to Believe. In the last two seasons, Gillian Anderson became the star as David Duchovny appeared intermittently, and new central characters were introduced: FBI agents John Doggett (Robert Patrick) and Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish). Mulder and Scully's boss, Assistant Director Walter Skinner(Mitch Pileggi), also became a central character. By the time the series ended, The X-Files had become the longest-running science fiction series in US broadcast television history, though it was later surpassed by Stargate SG-1 and then by Smallville.
(Public Issue Responsive To: UFO Alien Inteligence Survey Research(UFOLOGY), Worldly Phenomenon Extra Terrestrial Subject*
-Wikipedia Page Source
- UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.3:
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (円盤皇女ワるきゅーレ Yūfō Purinsesu Warukyūre?), aka UFO Princess Valkyrie, is an anime series based on the manga of the same name, which has run for at eleven volumes, and still seems to be continuing. It was created by the manga group Kaishaku, who are also known for creating Steel Angel Kurumi.
It follows the story of Kazuto Tokino and the alien Princess, Valkyrie, who gives half her soul to Kazuto to save him after accidentally crashing her spaceship into Kazuto's family owned public bathhouse and nearly killing him. The splitting up of her soul turned her into a child, but whenever she kisses Kazuto, Valkyrie returns to her adult form for a limited time, and regains the use of her special powers.
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie was directed by Shigeru Ueda for Media Factory Inc. and initially ran for 12 episodes. Since then there has been a two episode OVA, a 12 episode Season 2, a six episode Season 3, and a two episode Season 4. Starting with the fifth episode of Season 2, the director has been Yoshihiro Takamoto. English translation and production of UFO Ultramaiden is by ADV Films. In 2008, UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie became one of over 30 ADV titles whose North American rights were transferred to Funimation Entertainment.
(Public Issue Responsive To: The Japanese surrender Carl Mydans, September 2, 1945, (EYEWITNESS, 150 Years Of Photojournalism Richard Lacayo and George Russel Time Magazine Edition) and The world's first hydrogen-fusion blast at Eniwetok U.S Air Force, 1952,
(EYEWITNESS, 150 Years Of Photojournalism Richard Lacayo and George Russel Time Magazine Edition)
(Public Issue Responsive To: The Japanese surrender Carl Mydans, September 2, 1945, (EYEWITNESS, 150 Years Of Photojournalism Richard Lacayo and George Russel Time Magazine Edition) and The world's first hydrogen-fusion blast at Eniwetok U.S Air Force, 1952,
(EYEWITNESS, 150 Years Of Photojournalism Richard Lacayo and George Russel Time Magazine Edition)
-Wikipedia Page Source
- Mars Attacks!(U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.4:
Mars Attacks! is a 1996 American comic science fiction film directed by Tim Burton and based on the cult trading card series of the same name. The film uses elements of black comedy, surreal humour, and political satire, and is also a parody of multiple science fiction B movies. Mars Attacks! stars an ensemble cast, which includes Jack Nicholson, Lukas Haas, Annette Bening, Jim Brown, Pierce Brosnan, Sarah Jessica Parker, Glenn Close, Martin Short, Michael J. Fox, Jack Black, Natalie Portman, Danny DeVito, and Christina Applegate.
Director Tim Burton and writer Jonathan Gems began development for Mars Attacks! in 1993, and Warner Bros. purchased the film rights to the trading card series on Burton's behalf. When Gems turned in his first draft in 1994, Warner Bros. commissioned rewrites from Gems, Burton, Martin Amis, Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski in an attempt to lower the budget to $60 million. The final production budget came to $80 million, while Warners spent another $20 million on the Mars Attacks! marketing campaign. Filming lasted from February to June 1996. It was made famous for the quirky alien laugh, which was created by reversing the sound ducks make when they quack.
The filmmakers hired Industrial Light & Magic to create the Martians using computer animation after their previous plan to use stop motion, supervised by Barry Purves, fell through because of budget limitations. Mars Attacks! was released on December 13, 1996 to mixed reviews from critics. The film grossed approximately $101 million in box office totals, which was seen as a disappointment. Mars Attacks! was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and earned multiple nominations at the Saturn Awards.(To Be Continued...)
Martians surround Earth with an armada of flying saucers; whereupon President James Dale addresses America concerning the historic event, watched by news anchors in New York, employees and guests at the Luxor Las Vegas hotel, and a trailer trash family in Perkinsville, Kansas. The President's science aides set a first contact meeting with the Martians in Pahrump, Nevada.
Using a defective universal translator the Martians announce they have "come in peace"; but when a hippie releases a dove as a symbol of peace, the Martians shoot it down and attack. General Casey, Jason Stone, and Billy-Glenn are among those killed. Believing the reason of this a "cultural misunderstanding", President Dale has Professor Donald Kessler continue negotiations with the Martians, whose ambassador is invited to address the United States Congress. At this meeting, the Martians destroy the Congress and war is established.
General Decker tries to convince President Dale to retaliate with nuclear warfare; but the president refuses. After a Martian assassin disguised as a beautiful woman enters the White House and unsuccessfully attempts to kill the President, the other Martians begin a full-scale invasion, in which they destroy Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, Tokyo, the Washington Monument, one of the Great Pyramids, Hawaii, and other locations, and rebuild Mount Rushmore to resemble themselves. The president is killed by a robotic hand during another attempted negotiation. Richie Norris, a Kansas teenager, discovers that the Martians are vulnerable to Slim Whitman's song "Indian Love Call", whereupon he and his grandmother use it to destroy the Martians. Richie and his grandmother are thereafter awarded the Medal of Honor by the president's teenaged daughter, Taffy.
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Mars Exploration Program - NASA (Washington, D.C. United States government)
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Mars Exploration Program - NASA (Washington, D.C. United States government)
-Wikipedia Page Source
- Fire In The Sky (U.F.O Sighting), Sequel No.5:
Fire in the Sky is a 1993 film based on an alleged extraterrestrial encounter, directed by Robert Lieberman, and written by Travis Walton (from his book The Walton Experience) and Tracy Tormé (screenplay). The film stars Robert Patrick in the leading role as Walton's best friend and future brother-in-law, Mike Rogers, and D. B. Sweeney as Walton himself. James Garner, Craig Sheffer, Scott MacDonald, Henry Thomas, and Peter Berg also star.
On November 5, 1975 near Snowflake, Arizona, logger Travis Walton (D. B. Sweeney), becomes the victim of an alien abduction. Walton and his co-workers—Mike Rogers (Robert Patrick), Allan Dallis (Craig Sheffer), David Whitlock (Peter Berg), Greg Hayes (Henry Thomas) and Bobby Cogdill (Bradley Gregg)—are engaged in forestry operations under a business contract to clear a wilderness area.
After completing a day's work, the men come across what appears to be an unidentified flying object on their drive home. Curious to learn more about the spectacle, Walton steps out of their vehicle, but is struck by a beam of light from the phenomenon. Fearing Walton was possibly killed after the encounter, the others leave the scene in horror. Rogers decides to make a trip back to the spot of the confrontation to pick up Walton, but he is nowhere to be found. Upon making their way back to the local town to report the incident, the loggers are greeted with skepticism, as they relate what sounds like an outrageous story to Sheriff Blake Davis (Noble Willingham) and Lieutenant Frank Watters (James Garner). They are suspected of foul play despite no apparent motive or knowledge as to Walton's whereabouts.
After interviewing the men, Lieutenant Watters deduces that tensions had arisen between Walton and Dallis, substantiated by a wound on Dallis's hand from a previous altercation between the two, leading him to believe there might be a murder investigation on the way. The Lieutenant also discovers a tabloid newspaper with headlines surrounding aliens in the seat of their truck, hinting there is a strong possibility they used the article to help concoct their story. Meanwhile, Sheriff Davis encourages the men to take a polygraph examination to which they agree and appear to pass; however, Dallis's test comes out inconclusive. The men are still accused of murder and are being threatened by Travis's Brother Dan Walton (Scott MacDonald).
Five days later, Walton is found alive at a gas station, naked, dehydrated and incoherent. During a welcome home party thrown by his friends and family, Walton suffers a paranoid delusion as he recounts a flashback of the abduction by the extraterrestrials aboard the UFO. In his hallucination, Walton wakes up in a cocoon-like setting attempting to escape his captivity in a suspended weightless environment. After discovering that he is not sedated or unconscious, the aliens drag him through a series of corridors to be subsequently experimented on against his will. Stripping him to his underwear and then covering him with a rubber-like sheet, which eventually pins him to the primal examination table, the aliens subject him to an extremely painful examination in which he is forced to endure an optical probe.
While briefly interviewing Walton, Lieutenant Watters continues to express his doubts on his abduction as merely an elaborate hoax. He notes Walton's new found celebrity status after his popularity increased by tabloids attempting to profit from his tale. The film culminates with a denouement between Walton and Rogers, with the UFO mystery essentially unresolved. The closing titles of the film inform the viewer that in February 1993, the loggers agreed to resubmit to an additional polygraph examination which they passed, corroborating their innocence.
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Earth Science Enterprise - NASA (Washington, D.C. United States government)
(Public Issue Responsive To: NASAs(National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Earth Science Enterprise - NASA (Washington, D.C. United States government)
-Wikipedia Page Source
Maybe we fold defenseless from these classified columns of curiosity, defined as extraterrestrial subject; and question yourselves... Why they are here?, What their are for?, and how they get here! I, as one of the observer; and how do you conform from all of the above. From what fore called twilight conquest! And how affects from the early civilization, from the renaissance, artistry, celestial globes, voyage, to the modern war and up to this new millennium; modern days. Are at our everyday living; what somehow we have unexpectedly caught a weird light from outside the window pane; And heard a reverberating footsteps at your back rim, And somehow... You are caught ABDUCTED!
Sincerely yours,Through out to the LIMITS!
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